Injury Attorney
Personal Injury
When you get hurt in an accident in Massachusetts, you may have a right to compensation for your injury. Personal injury claims are complex and can become very time consuming. They must be proven with strong evidence such as medical records, accident reports, photographs, eyewitness statements and in some cases expert opinions. A personal injury attorney knows the ins and outs of a claim and how to build a strong case for each unique case. The attorney will handle every aspect of your claim allowing you to focus on one of the most important things, healing.
Suffering an injury can be life-altering and looking for reparations in our legal system can be a confusing and frustrating process. When insurance companies know you are not represented by a personal injury attorney, they will pressure you into giving a recorded statement. They will often times try and twist your words to their advantage shifting liability into their favor. They will further bully you into taking less than you deserve for your personal injury claim. Hiring a personal injury attorney prevents these tactics and shows the insurance companies how seriously you are taking your claim. But how much does it cost? Most personal injury attorneys are hired on a contingency fee agreement which means NO fee unless you win.