Injury Attorney
Emergency Room Care During Covid-19
From lifestyles to daily routines Covid-19 has impacted everyone across the world. Over the last year I have had countless clients who did not receive the medical care they needed after a personal injury accident due to the fear of exposure to Covid-19. In all of these cases my clients were not suffering from life threatening injuries, but none the less were suffering and did not know what to do. After a motor vehicle accident or other personal injury accident it is important to have a medical profession examine you to determine the extent of your injuries.
If you are hesitant to seek medical care in person due to Covid-19 it is important to find an alternative method. Healthcare has adapted to the limitations revolving around Covid-19. Many urgent cares and primary care offices are offering telehealth or media-based consultations.
This allows people who are injured but unwilling to take the risk of an in person visit to seek the initial help they need. I have many clients who at first were in denial of the injuries they sustained or thought “I can tough it out” with some Ibuprofen and ice rather than taking the risk of being exposed to Covid-19 at a Hospital. Only later to realize that something indeed was seriously wrong, and they needed medical help. The next excuse to not seek out the proper medical attention was the fear of in person hospital visits. Taking advantage of the telehealth and media-based appointments eliminates this factor.
By making and participating in these appointments you can at least get a base line to the extent of your injuries. This way you can at least speak with a medical professional first before making a judgement call on going to hospital for further treatment such as X-Rays or MRIs. Many of my clients have avoided going to overcrowded hospitals by utilizing telehealth appointments and getting the diagnosis and future care they need to reach a full recovery.